Grantee Spotlight

Grantee Spotlight

December 20, 2022

Elevate Oregon

Project support was provided to Elevate Oregon through Miller Foundation's Education grant program.

Elevate Oregon:

"Elevate Oregon builds relationships with youth to promote education, self-reliance, and achievement. Through long-term, culturally responsive instruction and mentoring support, we empower young people toward success and leadership, with the goal that they become a strong positive influence in the community, serving 3rd- 12th grade daily.

Elevate is embedded within Parkrose schools—and is the only organization embedded and anchored in the community, offering students in elementary, middle school, and high school critical access to socio-emotional learning, career development curriculum, peer-group building, and role models they can identify with. Through this work, we are at the forefront of disrupting generational cycles of poverty and systemic racism in the community."

Learn more:

Elevate Oregon

Portland, Oregon