Grantee Spotlight

Grantee Spotlight

December 20, 2022

Friends of the Children of the Klamath Basin

General operating support was provided to Friends-Klamath Basin through Miller Foundation's Education grant program.

Anne, a Friends Mentory, and a youth participant

Friends–Klamath Basin

"The mission of Friends–Klamath Basin is to impact generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors – 12+ years, no matter what.

Many children in the Klamath Basin are in need of nurturing adult support. Klamath County, a 6,000+-acre rural area, ranks 32nd of 36 counties for percent of children in foster care, and the U.S. Census reports 20.9% of residents living in poverty. In the community of Chiloquin, where we work with five families, children face even greater risks, 39.8% of them living in poverty.

Within this context, Friends–Klamath Basin is the only long-term professional mentoring service. Our trauma-trained mentors (“Friends”) spend 3-4 hours per week with each child, kindergarten through high school graduation, empowering them to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally."

Learn more:

FOC Klamath

Klamath Falls, Oregon