Foundation News

August 21, 2024

Spark Awards Application Tips and Resources

We understand that writing grant applications can be hard and intimidating, and we are striving to make the process as straightforward as possible. We are invested in your success!

Over the next few days, we’ll be posting some tips and resources to help applicants get through the different sections of the Spark application. We begin today with some general recommendations about grant writing:

General Tips:

  • We have put great care into creating a program that is accessible and simple to navigate. Please read the guidelines carefully to understand if this opportunity is the appropriate one for you.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to start your application! Rushed answers often come across as less considered and more unclear.
  • Write clear and concise answers that address all relevant aspects of the question: Considering avoiding “artspeak”, exaggerations, flowery statements, generalized language. Focus instead on expressing yourself in a direct and simple manner.
  • Don’t assume the reviewers of your application are familiar with you or your work. Provide context and basic information where possible and appropriate.
  • Ask someone to read through your application draft to make sure that you have gotten your ideas across clearly and effectively. Avoid typos, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
  • Check that your website and hosted links are active and in working order prior to submitting the application.
Ready to get started with your application?
Read the information on the Spark Award page and preview the application in the guidelines linked on the website.

More tips are posted on our blog here.